Farafra, known as Ta-iht (Land of the Cow) in the Pharaonic era, is the most isolated and least populous of the inhabited oases in the Western Desert of Egypt.
Agabat Valley
The lovely Agabat or Aqabat Valley is known for its pale rock sugarloaves and is a preferred campsite for our tours.

Badr’s Museum in al-Farafra
Badr’s Museum in al-Farafra—an interesting combination of house, museum, and studio—exhibits a collection of the oeuvre of Badr Abdel Moghny, a self-taught artist, whose paintings and sculptures capture the life in Farafra Oasis.

Djara Cave
Put on the map on Christmas Eve 1873 by the German explorer Gerhard Rohlfs and rediscovered only in 1989 by the German adventurer Carlo Bergmann, the Djara Cave—sometimes also transliterated as Gara Cave, Jara Cave, or Qara Cave—is located next to the Darb Asyut, an old caravan route connecting Farafra and Asyut. The cave is easy to visit as it has a level floor-entry, covered with sand of the desert. Measuring approximately 30 meters (33 yards) in diameter and 8 meters (9 yards) in height, the cave is famous for its neolithic engravings and its chambers full of beautiful stalactites and stalagmites.

White Desert National Park
The White Desert (Sahra al-Beida) is the main reason to come to Farafra Oasis and the Western Desert of Egypt. The White Desert National Park, a “Lonely Planet Top Choice” with raving reviews on TripAdvisor, features blinding-white rock formations in the most surreal shapes you can imagine.

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